Our Philosophy
The Surrey Downs Community Children’s Centre is a Community Based Long Day Care which promotes working in partnerships to share the responsibility of education and wellbeing for all children who attend our service. Most importantly we will ensure all children enjoy themselves as they learn through play and the natural environment. Our outdoor spaces provide many opportunities for children to develop skills in negotiating the environment, develop coordination and orientation skills, and learn about the consequences (positive/negative) of risk taking. With the use of open and meaningful communication we will form trusting and respectful relationships with each family and be able to meet each child’s individual needs thus ensuring their potential is achieved. Through regular reviews of our Quality Improvement Plans we are guided to create improvement and growth for our service. Our Philosophy consists of 4 essential elements which all contribute to us providing the best possible outcomes for children.
The Children:
We believe every child is a competent and capable learner and that play is essential to every young child’s learning, thus we provide opportunities for exposure to a wide variety of experiences which in-turn will enhance self-esteem, trust, security, and discovery about themselves, other people and the world around them. We have high expectations of each child and will cater for their needs as we want to see each child fully participating in our programs.
Each child has the right to develop their own self-respect, self-discipline and the confidence to make choices, take responsibility and achieve independence. While following the Early Years Learning Framework Belonging, Being and Becoming educators plan activities based on the children’s current interests and strengths challenging them to further their development.
Our healthy eating plan provides children with a large proportion of their daily nutritional requirements and special diets are planned in conjunction with families and their health care professionals.
The Families:
Family units are varied throughout the community, they provide the most influence in a child’s early years of life. Our centre becomes an extension of the family unit and together we nurture security, trust, familiarity and stability. The families themselves, are our most valuable resource and are respected for their differing beliefs, cultures and backgrounds.
Families are actively encouraged to participate in the centre’s programs and are invited into the consultation process when we are seeking feedback or to review documents and make changes at the centre. Educators keep families informed of any decisions made which may change the delivery of our service.
The Staff Team:
Our team of professionals includes a Director, Educational Leader, Educators, Cook and Administration; all staff have positive and consistent attitudes, varied skills, ages and beliefs. Team members value every child and are committed to working with and supporting families. Educators communicate in various forms with families, management and educators. This ensures that information is shared with the appropriate people and informed decisions are made. At all times, we are positive role models for the children in our care and for the students who are undertaking placements at the centre. The centre supports all team members with regular professional development opportunities compliant with our licensing requirements.
The Community and Environment:
Our volunteer Parent Management Committee meets regularly throughout the year to ensure the smooth running and future growth of the centre. They endeavour to remain aware of and respond to, the changing needs of our community through participation with other community groups, agencies and services to share resources and develop a social network. The centre is an active participant of the Surrey Downs Community Village which consists of the Surrey Downs Kindergarten, Primary School, Occasional Care, Family Day Care and our service, together we support and promote the services within our networks. To help children to become familiar with these we plan small group excursions to the local park and school library. We are committed to readying the children for their futures with experiences to help them move into kindergarten and school environments.
There are many social and cultural backgrounds within our community, including the Aboriginal and Torrens Strait Islander culture. We are sensitive to these differences and this is reflected within our planned curriculums, when teaching inclusive practices. Currently the centre is working towards the development of a Reconciliation Action Plan.
Our carbon footprint is minimised by recycling clothing, growing foods, re-using packaging products, food scraps are composted and minimising energy use. Families are invited to bring useful recycled items for the children to use for artwork, construction and dramatic play.
Finally, the evaluation of the service which we provide is shared by the parent management committee, educators, children and families of the centre, thus, ensuring a quality service that meets the ever-changing needs of our community.
On behalf of the Parent Management Committee and Whole Staff Team
Reviewed: February 2024. Date for next review: February 2025
Authorised on behalf of Educators and Parent Management
Lauren Knowles – Chairperson
Lisa Winckel - Director